Charleston, IL
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Official Google Blog: A speedier, spiffier beta for Google Chrome
I noticed that on the download page, the implied description of the Chrome environment is "Vista/XP SP2"
I didn't notice that the first time I downloaded and installed Chrome. It didn't work very well: I had serious problems accessing most webpages so I decided to uninstall it and reinstall it to see if that resolved the problems. But, this time, I noticed the XP SP2 note and wonder if that means that Chrome simply won't work with XP SP3. Is that an accurate inference? Thanks.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Earth Day Recycling extravaganza at EIU Wednesday, April 22
Subject: Earth Day Recycling extravaganza at EIU Wednesday, April 22
To celebrate Earth Day this year the Environmental Awareness Committee for the Resident Halls is hosting drop off points for items that aren't normally recycled for the community and campus. We will be having points at the Library and South quad from 10 to 5 and potentially at the O'Brien stadium from 3 to 7, which will only be open for those with vehicles. If you would like to volunteer to work at one of the drop off points for hour long shifts, feel free to contact Julia Novotny at
List of Items
CLF Bulbs
Paper (books/magazines/newspaper)Cardboard
Scrap metalAluminum cans
Number 1-7 Plastic except 6 (all containers need to be emptied and rinsed clean)
Gently used clothing/toys
Electronic devices (for full list see below)
Plastic Bags
Glass (clear, brown, green)
All electronic devices
Electronic items: Audio Devices, Batteries, cell phone, flashlight, phone, UPS, Cables and wire, Cameras, Cell Phones, Clocks, Computers, towers, desktops, servers, notebooks, laptops, Computer Components, hard drives, CPU chips, memory, floppies, CD and DVD drives, Cords, power strips and cables, CPUs, Disk drives, DVD players, External Computer, Components, Hard drives, Floppy drives, tape drives, CD and DVD drives, Hard Drives, Hubs, switches and routers, iPods, Keyboards, Mice, Phones, consoles, answering machines, switches, Power Supplies, Printers, Radios, Scanners and related devices, Speakers, Stereos, Typewriters, VCRs and related devices
Also, just found out that the eRecycling Center north of the Fairgrounds in NorthWest Plaza WILL take tube fluorescents, as well as CFL light bulbs.They'll also take all the electronic items listed above. They're open Sat and Mon 7:30-9:30 am. There is a small charge for TVs, computer monitors and microwaves.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
By the JG/T-C Editorial Board
By the JG/T-C Editorial Board
Organized recycling efforts in Charleston and Mattoon have been limited, but encouraging.Both cities, and many other area towns, have offered public drop-off recycling bins for some time. Residents could voluntarily bring recyclable materials to various locations in each city.
More recently, curbside recycling programs have begun in both Charleston and Mattoon. In Charleston, staff from three different trash hauling companies will pick up recyclable materials at private homes and businesses — for a fee. In Mattoon, one garbage hauler offers this service.It’s hard to argue that recycling of any kind — whether it be plastic, glass, aluminum, newspaper or some other material — isn’t a good idea, both financially and environmentally.
Consider these facts (provided by
* Recycling one ton (about 2,000 pounds) of paper saves 17 trees, two barrels of oil (enough to run the average car for 1,260 miles), 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for six months), 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space, and 60 pounds of pollution.
* Every month Americans throw out enough glass bottles and jars to fill up a giant skyscraper (think: Empire State Building), but all of these jars are recyclable.
* If all of our newspapers were recycled, we could save about 250 million trees each year. If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we could save about 25 million trees each year.
* Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours. In spite of this, Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild our entire commercial fleet of airplanes every three months.
Recycling just makes sense, and there is growing enthusiasm among area residents for environmental efforts such as this. Not all residents, however, seem aware of the recycling options available to them. Perhaps city officials and garbage haulers need to do a better job of explaining local recycling options to the public.
The main sticking point for local recycling programs, however, seems to be the cost. Charleston Mayor John Inyart recently announced that he intends to close the city’s drop-off bins now that residents have the option for curbside recycling. Mattoon officials have indicated they plan to keep the city’s drop-off bins.
Inyart noted that he couldn’t justify using taxpayer money to pay for the drop-off bins when other recycling options are now available.We disagree with this decision.We believe it’s taking a step backward to remove recycling drop-off bins. Residents of rural areas can use the bins, as can any residents who wish to recycle but do not want to pay extra for the convenience of having someone pick it up at their home.
In order for recycling efforts to be successful, it has to be available and affordable for everyone.Advocates for a healthy environment propose the idea to “reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink.”We urge Charleston officials to “rethink” the decision to discontinue the drop-off recycling bins. It’s simply the right thing to do.
— JG/T-C Editorial Board
1. Go to the Blog (You're already there!)
2. Click on the word “comments” which follows the blue words POSTED BY KHUM. A new window opens.
3. Click on “Show original post”. This will be especially helpful so you can see all the questions to answer.
4. Add your comments in the space provided.
5. Type in the word verification. This is to prevent automated spammers from posting.
6. Under “Choose an Identity, ” Choose one of the 4 round buttons. “Anonymous” is the easiest. If you want your identity known, just sign your name in the comments box.
8. You’re done! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with other recyclers!
Tell us about your curbside recycling
* Who is your hauler?
* Are you inside or outside the city limits?
* How many people in your household?
* How often are your pickups?
* What size containers do you use?
* Do you furnish your containers, or does your hauler furnish them?
* What is your monthly cost?
* What are your feelings about your satisfaction or concerns about your private curbside hauler.?
How do you feel about the recycling bin service in Charleston being ended April 30?
Summary of recycling meeting 2.26.09
Summary of recycling meeting 2.26.09
Present: Mayor John Inyart, City Manager Scott Smith, Councilman Jeff Lahr, Donna Wieck, Marcus Ricci, Dick Hummel, Kathy Hummel
The city is not planning to renew the agreement with the county which provides for about $18,000 annually toward a contract with Veolia for the recycling dumpsters located on Adkins Drive. The contract expires April 30th 2009. Instead, the city is considering putting some of those funds toward partial subsidy of the e-recycling center located in NW Plaza, as well as staging a hazardous waste pickup day, possibly in the fall.
The city plans to post notification of this change near the dumpster to alert users and will make additional efforts to get the word out.
The city does not want to undermine private enterprise efforts by Morgan’s, CCSR and Veolia to establish recycling pickups. Mayor Inyart feels strongly that since the haulers have answered the call of the community as a whole in offering the service, they deserve a chance to make it work and as long as the bins are present, there will be little to no motivation for the community residents to take the next step which is embracing curb-side recycling.
The county will consider at a meeting in the very near future, action that would maintain recycling bins in Ashmore, Oakland and Humbolt however without the additional Charleston funds they will likely not continue it for their residents who live in the corporate limits of Charleston.
Any off-campus EIU student can take their recycling to the University. Every building has plastic and paper receptacles. Cardboard can be deposited behind the mail center west of the stadium.
The City would like very much to see the private sector handle this service and is taking a wait-and see stance of at least a year maybe longer to observe the progress of the private haulers on recycling before contemplating a city-run trash/recycling program.
Citizens for Recycling will:
*email this meeting summary to their Newsletter listserve and post it on the C4R Blog.
*give concrete examples of typical family costs from the different waste haulers on the Blog and in the Newsletter.
Monday, March 9, 2009
News from eRecycling
eRecycling has been keeping us busy. With the second round of funds from DCEO we were able to get a pickup truck, six 6’x12’ covered trailers and an 8’x24’ covered trailer to use in the collecting process. They also serve as a traveling billboard for the electronics recycling program.
We submitted the third grant request to DCEO in December that will enable us to expand the service to additional area counties. We also submitted a grant request in December to USDA-Rural Development (RD) that will enable us to conduct a training/education program about recycling in 15+ counties in the East Central Illinois area. The RD grant will involve EIU students and faculty.
We shipped ~70 tons of electronics in the first year of operation and 16.1 tons of electronics in January, 2009.
People are finding the warehouse at 777 Windsor Drive in the Northwest Business Park on Saturday and Monday mornings from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m.
Collection Methods: We are offering six methods to collect electronic recycling commodities.
1. Charleston Warehouse Drop-off.
The permanent drop-off at the Charleston warehouse is open Saturdays and Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Additional hours will be available when the operation needs additional times or days of the week and we are expecting it will permit us to add two weekdays to the schedule of open for business hours.
2. Permanent drop-off sites remote to Charleston, using the volunteers secure storage.
Retailers of televisions, computer and entertainment systems and associated repair firms are good sources to provide this service. This will become the most common and efficient method of collecting. As of this time four of these sites are in operation. The plan is to use the time of the pick-up to train the volunteers, to answer their questions and to collect their suggestions for improving the service. Perhaps you can help us find these volunteer businesses. On the day-to-day basis these sites will be supervised by the personnel who work for the local business and they will collect the disposal fees.
3. Remote permanent drop-off sites using a 6’x12’ trailer for storage.
When a business is willing but they don’t have the storage room a trailer can be placed at that location. The trailers are equipped with locks on the doors, a hitch lock and a wheel lock so they will be very difficult to steal. The trailers have attractive ‘eRecycling’ signs on all four sides that serve as a billboard for eRecycling.
4. Collection day events.
Collection day events are good publicity for the eRecycling and will continue to be used. It is also a good way to find volunteer workers and volunteer businesses to become permanent drop-off host sites. The 24’ trailer will provide the opportunity to work into the larger cities without getting swamped with commodities.
5. Special site pickups.
Special pick-ups will continue to be offered when a large volume of commodities is available at a single location. This has worked well at hospitals, schools, large law firms, manufacturing plants and large accounting firms.
6. Once a month collections.
One day each week have 1 ½ hour collections in four different communities on the same day each month. The second week, move the collections to four different communities, the third week to four different communities and the fourth week to four different communities. The following month repeat the process to the same sixteen communities which will provide each community once a month service on the same day of the month.
Permanent Drop-Off Sites, Regular Business Hours
Lincoln Heritage RC&D NFP Charleston 777 Windsor Dr 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Saturdays
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Mondays
Sky’s The Limit Casey 1018 Airport Rd 217-932-2078
County Office Products Charleston 110 Fifth St 217-345-4944
Double-Hammer Computer Services Charleston 1625 Madison Ave 217-345-1111
Rennels TV & Appliance Charleston 211 Lincoln Ave 217-345-3401
Lincoln Heritage RC&D NFP
Electronic Recyclable Items
Items with a disposal fee are identified; ALL OTHER ITEMS ARE FREE
If it is an electrical or battery operated device, we will dispose of it.
NO white goods -- refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers, hot water heaters
Audio Devices
Batteries, cell phone, flashlight, phone, UPS, car
Cables and wire
Cell Phones
Computers, towers, desktops, servers, Apple All in Ones, notebooks, laptops
Computer Components, hard drives, CPU chips, memory, floppies, CD and DVD drives
Cords, power strips and cables
Disk drives
DVD players
External Computer Components
Hard drives, Floppy drives, tape drives, CD and DVD drives
Fax Machines
Hard Drives
Hubs, switches and routers
IMACs, all colors
Microwaves, Disposal Fee $5
Monitors, Disposal Fee $5 -- $20 for broken tube - see below
Phones, consoles, answering machines, switches
Point of Sale equipment
Postage Machines
Power Supplies
Scanners and related devices
TVs, Disposal Fee $10 for up to 15” – plus $20 if tube broken
TVs, Disposal Fee $20 for up to 27” – plus $20 if tube broken
TVs, Disposal Fee $30 for larger than 27” – plus $ 20 if tube broken
TVs, Disposal Fee $40 for floor standing consoles larger than27”
– plus $ 20 if tube broken
VCRs and related devices
NO white goods -- refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers, hot water heaters
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Where in Coles County can I recycle...
Another group which uses cans as a fundraiser is the Boy Scouts of America, Charleston troops 41 and 141. Contact Scoutmaster Keith Kohanzo 348-5860.
Cans can also be put in the drop box on Adkins Drive off Rte 130 N by the water tower.
Motor oil and tires ~ Neal Tire at Madison and 5th Streets will take used motor oil for no charge and car tires for $2.50 each. Larger tires, such as tractor tires, cost more. Also Midas Muffler in both Mattoon and Charleston will accept motor oil.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs ~ Home Depot - no charge They will also take tube fluouescent bulbs and incandescent bulbs.
Computer ink cartridges ~ Staples - no charge
Household and car batteries ~ The eRecycling site, 777 Windsor Drive, Charleston off Route 316 near the new Post Office annex. Open 7:30-9:30 am Mondays. Home Depot will take batteries also. The eRecycling will also take CFLs.
Bubble wrap and packing peanuts ~ EZ Parcel, 1312 Broadway, Mattoon
Prescription pill bottles ~ Remove the label. Word has it that veterinarians are happy to use them for their 4-legged patients.
Old athletic shoes
This note from Stan Adkins: Old athletic shoes of ALL BRANDS can be recycled by donating them to one of our Charleston Unit #1 schools. I started last year and will continue this year transporting all athletic shoes collected by our students to the Nike store in Tuscola. They ship them to Oregon to be ground up and reused in community programs through Nike's LET ME PLAY PROGRAM.
The Nike Grind and Let Me Play Program plus other interesting tidbits can be read at the following website:
This would be another item kept out of landfills through a positive reuse program.
And a PS from Bob Whittenbarger:
If the tennis shoes still have a lot of useful life left in them, you can drop them at the Newman Catholic Center on Roosevelt St. and they will be shipped to Haiti.
Electronics eRecycling Collection Site
LOCATION: 777 WINDSOR DRIVE, CHARLESTON, IL (north of the Fairgrounds off Rte. 316
NO WHITE GOODS—refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers, water heaters, or air conditioners.
We accept your old computer equipment, copiers, faxes, phones, answering machines, batteries, entertainment systems, radios, cameras, radios, stereos, typewriters, clocks, compact fluorescent bulbs (not tube lights at this time) and other related items.
Disposal Fees ONLY on the following:
Microwaves - $5
Monitors - $5 ($20 if broken tube)
TVs - $10 for up to 15” ($25 if broken tube)
TVs - $15 for up to 27” ($30 if broken tube)
TVs - $25 for over 27” ($40 if broken tube)
Sponsored by: Lincoln Heritage Resource Conservation & Development Council NFP, Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, and good neighbors like you!Residents and Businesses are welcome.
For more information call: Lincoln Heritage RC&D at 217/345-3901 ext. 4
Helpful websites:
electronics recyclingEcologue: Green Living Made Easy, Eco-friendly ideas and products ...Live a green lifestyle today with easy eco-friendly ideas for green building and home decor, organic lawn care and gardening and energy-efficient products.
Facts about batteries
A Guide to Non-Toxic Alternatives For Toxic Household Cleaners
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas
Recycling isn't just for Aunt Emelia's fruitcake. Give that gift you never used from last year to someone else (just not the person who gave it to you). Give gently-used items to charities, which helps clear out clutter. If you buy new gifts, look for products made from recycled materials. When you go shopping, take reusable bags with you. They don't end up in a landfill.
If much of what you are buying runs on batteries, get rechargeable batteries. And remember the battery charger: get one for your family and one for whomever you give battery-powered gifts.
Do the folks on your list really need more stuff? Do YOU really need more stuff? If not, skip the store-bought presents and give a home-cooked gourmet meal or free night of babysitting instead, or donate to a charity in their name. invites donors to "buy," for example, a camel ($175), cow ($75), sheep ($45), building tools ($25) or the planting of 50 trees ($30) as a way to support Oxfam's programs in developing countries (the recipient gets a card with a photo, not an actual cow). For more ways to give, go to
Living gifts are another option: seeds, house plants or potted plants to be planted outside in the spring. Gifts of food, events — like tickets to the theatre or the big game — or personal services also reduce holiday waste, not to mention saving you time on wrapping. Speaking of which....
Wrapping gifts doesn't mean wasting a ton of paper. Put gifts in reusable decorative boxes, gift bags or Christmas tins. Cut the pictures off old Christmas cards and use them for gift tags.
As for cards, buy cards made from recycled paper, or send e-cards, which use no stamps, require no gasoline to deliver and arrive faster.
If you love to wrap, use colored newspaper comics , old maps, stock reports or want ads (picked with the recipient in mind). For a Christmas project for the kids, have them color or stamp plain paper bags, and then use the bags to wrap relatives' gifts. Save any ribbons or bows you get this year to reuse next year.

How to crochet plastic grocery bags into tote bags!
Find examples and directions at:
More ideas here:
Where is the big recycling dumpster which used to be behind McDonalds??
Take 130 N (5th St.) about .8 mile from Madison Ave. to the water tower just before Vesuvius. Turn right (east) at the water tower. There is a small sign indicating the recycling site. The bin is at the base of the water tower.
Acceptable items are listed in the column to the right under the blog polls.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The nation’s largest landfill will be turned into a public park.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Click on the link above to check out the fun “Conversionator.” Be sure to drag the recyclable on top of the arrow to get the machine to work. Amusing, educational time sink for kids of all ages!
Saturday, November 15, is an annual awareness event to promote the social, environmental, and economic benefits of buying recycled and participating in recycling efforts. The sponsor of the special day is America Recycles Day, a national all-volunteer, non-profit organization whose goal is to increase the purchase of recycled content products and strengthen recycling efforts throughout America.
Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste and end up in landfills into valuable raw materials. Old corrugated boxes are processed into new corrugated boxes. Newspapers are made into new pulp for new papers with different news. Glass bottles can be turned into new glass bottles.
Some of the end products of recycled items may surprise you. Glass can be used for roads, marbles, decorative tiles, and surfboards among other things. Five PET bottles (plastic soda bottles) yield enough fiber for one extra large T-shirt, one square foot of carpet, or enough fiber to fill one ski jacket.
Steel and aluminum cans are easily recycled for use in many aluminum and steel products. This not only conserves mineral resources, but the recycling process also uses about 75% less energy than using virgin materials. Recycled steel and aluminum find their way into new cars, bikes, appliances, cookware, and many other products.
For manufacturing to be profitable, a steady supply of recyclable materials needs to be available. Your regular efforts to provide recyclables are very important. Talk to your trash hauler about the local options for recycling.
Conserving resources for our children’s future is a primary benefit. Recycling is also valuable for preventing emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants, saving energy, supplying raw materials to industry, creating jobs, stimulating the development of greener technologies, and reducing the need for new landfills and incinerators.
Creating a strong market for recycled products is an important key in completing the recycling process. You close the loop when you purchase products made from recycled materials. Buying recycled has both economic and environmental benefits. Purchasing products made from or packaged in materials that have been recycled saves resources for future generations. Recycled content is often indicated on packaging Talk to the manager about the recycled products available where you shop.
‘Tis the season for celebrating and buying gifts – a good time to learn to practice conservation by ‘buying recycled’. The idea that most of what you donate for recycling has nowhere to go is a thing of the past. Hundreds of everyday products have recycled content. By buying products with recycled content and/or recycled packaging, you can encourage recycling efforts to continue.
A day set aside to increase recycling awareness elevates its importance. Keep in mind that recycling and purchasing recycled products should become EVERYDAY events in your life.
This information and more at Check out the fun “Conversionator.” be sure to drag the recyclable on top of the arrow to get the machine to work. Amusing, educational time sink!
Della Moen, Earth Team Volunteer, NRCS/Stephenson Soil and Water
Conservation District, an equal opportunity provider and employer, 10/29/08/ (for publication on 11/08/08 in the Journal-Standard, Freeport, Illinois).
Della can be reached at
Thursday, November 6, 2008
How to cancel unwanted phone books
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Recycling Olympics
A 2-minute thought-provoking video explaining 3 levels of recycling: bronze, silver and gold.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Recycling gang in EIU's Homecoming Parade
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Panel about curbside recycling
Many thanks to:
L-R: Rod Fletcher, Urbana, Marcus Ricci, Bowling Green, Ohio, Callie Jo McFarland, Monticello, Steve Smith, Urbana
how to crochet plastic grocery bags into tote bags! See examples at:
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Blog bookmarks and recycling posters to run off

Blog for Charleston Citizens for Recycling
LOTS of valuable information listed here, and growing daily! Keep this slip by your computer.
Blog for Charleston Citizens for Recycling
LOTS of valuable information listed here, and growing daily! Keep this slip by your computer.
Blog for Charleston Citizens for Recycling
LOTS of valuable information listed here, and growing daily! Keep this slip by your computer.
Blog for Charleston Citizens for Recycling
LOTS of valuable information listed here, and growing daily! Keep this slip by your computer.
Blog for Charleston Citizens for Recycling
LOTS of valuable information listed here, and growing daily! Keep this slip by your computer.
Blog for Charleston Citizens for Recycling
LOTS of valuable information listed here, and growing daily! Keep this slip by your computer.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Results of the City Council Meeting Tuesday 9.16.08
There was standing room only, thanks in part to Dr. Nancy Coutant's Environmental Biology class who were getting a taste of the Real World. In addition to Donna, speakers who addressed the council were 12 year old Isaac Dallas, Dick Hummel, Kathy Hummel, Alan Baharlou, Pam Ortega and Lou Conwell. Thanks to all who attended and signed petitions.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
single stream recycling video
Monday, September 1, 2008
Recycling Poster Contest
Look for the posters displayed in the Charleston Public Library
Theme: “Recycling for a Better Tomorrow”
Look in the Times Courier for photos, also.
(No idea when!)
Carl Sandburg Elementary (L to R)
4th place-Natasha Wiley
Subway, DQ, Papa Murphys, Jerrys, Villa Pizza, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Monicals
Friday, August 15, 2008
Photo essay on reasons to ban plastic bags
Once the website opens, use the slide bar on the right-hand side to view the photos and commentary.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 4,566 groups with 5,605,000 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, click on the following link:
It's great for those items that are too good to throw away, but you can't think of someone who would be interested. Very easy to do.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Why is aluminum can recycling important?
Why is aluminum can recycling important?
Two-thirds of the world’s aluminum is in use today.
Making new aluminum cans from used ones takes 95 percent less energy. Twenty recycled cans can be made with the energy it takes to make a brand new one.
Last year, 54 billion cans were recycled, saving the energy equivalent of 15 million barrels of crude oil. That’s America’s entire gas consumption in one day.
Tossing away an aluminum can wastes as much energy as pouring one half of that can’s volume in gasoline.
The average employee consumes 2.5 canned beverages a day while at work.
The empty aluminum can is worth about one cent.
Source: The Aluminum Association
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What do you get when you start with a low municipal recycling rate, mix in a business-savvy attitude, and sprinkle generously with environmental passion? A cutting-edge program like RecycleBank — and possibly some money in the bank for individuals, too!
The Philadelphia-based company rewards households for the weight of materials they recycle. Households can earn up to $400 RecycleBank Dollars per year that can be used at more than 100 participating local and national businesses, including Starbucks, Home Depot, and Bed Bath & Beyond. See how it works by clicking on the EPA link below.
recycling trivia and $ and developments in recent recycling
The first link is a group of interesting bits of trivia and the second talks about the $ and developments in recent recycling....credible source, too.