Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Recycling numbers - just what do those little numbers mean anyhow?

The numbers (1-7) found on the bottom of various containers can be confusing.... But when in doubt if you cannot find a number it cannot be recycled (boo!). But! If you can locate a number from 1-7 in the triangle, you've hit the jackpot! These items can be recycled.

So... what do those little numbers mean? Well the folks at American Chemistry have put together a handy little chart. The Resin Identification Codes for Plastic Packaging provides you with some examples and meaning.


Anonymous said...

What kinds of paper can be recycled? I know newspaper, but what about office paper, magazines, etc.?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you asked... they will take newspaper, office paper, flyers, slick flyers, magazines and the like. They will not however take books.

Lily said...

What about the card board boxes frozen tv-dinners come in?